Sunday, October 10, 2010


Combine bands like School of Seven Bells, Beach House and Bat for Lashes, toss in a bongo, maybe some heartfelt shrieks here and there. Let’s just add of one of those trippy kaleidoscopes for fun and top it off with my recent purchase- a Native American headdress. The result will likely resemble the musical recipe crafted by Glasser.

The lead singer, Cameron Mesirow, recently released her debut album Ring in September 2010. Freshly introduced to the music-market, the album induces a sublime/dreamlike trance. You can visualize an assembly of drummers circling a fire, or maybe it will take you back to a chilly early winter day. The music is hard to describe because it’s enlivening yet transcendent but always powerfully detailed. Mesirow’s voice remains steadily romantic throughout most her album but can invoke full emotions when she inserts her high-pitched yelps in songs such as “Apply”.

Mesirow is a one-woman-team and I respect that. I respect talented independence. I also respect the fact that: One; we have the same idol, Joni Mitchell, Two; she records her music using GarageBand, and Three; her father is a member of the Blue Man Group.

I can’t get enough of this new discovery. I can honestly say that I listen to “Home” hourly, embarrassingly sing-along with “Glad” in my car, and can be heard blasting “Apply” in my apartment. I bet my neighbors hate me and those who pass me on the road scoff at me. Fair enough though, fair enough.

Grab your musical instruments, clear your throat for some fun-filled shrilling, and prepare yourself for Glasser.

Favorite Songs (as I've already mentioned):




out in the thunder

opens my eyes wide

there is something in my mind

keeps me up all night.

Photo Courtesy

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