Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Stepdad makes me feel as though I’m being tossed back in time; a time when video cameras weighed as much as miniature automobiles and headphones invaded bystander's personal space.

The music created by Stepdad is a fashionable version of the 80's. I’m not saying that Rubik’s cubes, the Ninja Turtles, legwarmers, and bump-it bangs are not trendy, but Stepdad captures the prime attributes of that generation- the synthesizers and tacky sweaters- and adds a touch of humor. They layer synthetic music, drums, antique keyboards, and their patent high-pitched dyadic choir to create something inventive for today's indie music scene yet strangely familiar to those who lived through the 80's.

On a side note, I deeply appreciate their love of cat's, their beautiful yet archaic way of creating music videos, and their face paint. It reminds me of all those amazingly trendy and creative hipsters that I was always jealous of. Maybe I still am jealous.

This group is dear to my heart because it represents my tender town of Grand Rapids. The two members, Ultramark and CobraZebra (whoever they may be) traveled from Chicago and landed further east in a small town. They then started growing brilliant music from the ground beneath my feet. And I am grateful for this.

Stepdad's first EP Ordinaire which was released this year has changed my life. They make me want to dance like it was 1980. Allow it to change yours. So you can dance like it were the 1980's too... for free. Download it here. Do it.

Favorite Songs:


My Leather, My Fur, My Nails

Cutie Boots

We belong to place, to places

strong and brave, courageous

our tiger faces

Keep your eyes peeled for their first full-length album, “Wildlife Pop” which will be released hopefully by the end of the year!

Photo Courtesy of http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=491108186&albumID=0&imageID=12844333

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